At Spruce, many of the providers specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. If you believe you are struggling with ADHD like symptoms and would like to be assessed, or already have an ADHD diagnosis and are looking for continued medication management, we can help.
Most providers ADHD intake process typically requires 2-3 appointments to collect the necessary information. Often there are other disorders that need to be ruled out prior to diagnosis and they often require collateral information from family members and/or teachers. During this process, your provider will work collaboratively with you to create treatment goals.
To find out more, please see our FAQ below!

Q. What if I have been diagnosed with ADHD in the past?
A. Prior to continuing ADHD medication, we will require past medical records including ADHD diagnosis and treatment history.
Q. How often do I need to see my provider for ADHD management?
A. After medication changes your provider may request to see you more often. For ongoing management, our providers require that you’re seen every 1-3 months depending on symptoms.
Q. Is there anything else that is required for ADHD management?
A. Your provider will likely do a combination of in-person and telehealth visits to check-in (typically every 1-3 months).
Q. What should I bring to my first visit?
A. Any previous neuropsychiatric records, school testing/accommodations (IEP/504 plans) and/or most recent ADHD treatment records if previously diagnosed.